An introduction to the chemical principles relevant to understanding environmental problems that result from chemical environmental pollutants, and the development of technological approaches to resolving them. Historical case-studies as well as contemporary environmental issues are considered by understanding the relevant chemistry, the analysis of appropriate scientific data and models, as well as technological solutions, societal impacts, and regulatory approaches and challenges necessary to overcome these environmental problems. (Formerly CHEM 106) [STSC]
A course which covers the same topics as CHEM 107 while using a recitation experience and collaborative learning to give special emphasis to the development of problem-solving skills. Lecture/lab. [NS]
Introduction to the principles of atomic and molecular structure, stoichiometry, chemical bonding, and thermochemistry, using quantitative and qualitative problem solving approaches. Laboratory work illustrates these fundamental principles and emphasizes the development of laboratory skills. (Formerly CHEM 121) [NS]
Introduction to intermolecular forces, physical properties of solutions, acid/base chemistry, kinetics, equilibria, thermodynamics and electrochemistry, using quantitative and qualitative problem solving approaches. Laboratory work illustrates these fundamental principles and emphasizes the development of laboratory skills. (Formerly CHEM 122) [NS]
This course discusses the chemical principles underlying natural processes and the ways in which human activity affects those processes. Sources, sinks, and interactions of important environmental compounds are investigated. (Formerly CHEM 252)
Introduces the theories of atomic structure and bonding in main-group and solid-state compounds. Common techniques for characterizing inorganic compounds such as NMR, IR and Mass Spectrometry are discussed. Descriptive chemistry of main group elements is examined. Conductivity, and magnetism, superconductivity and an introduction to bio-inorganic chemistry are additional topics in the course. In lieu of the laboratory students have a project on a topic of their choice. Serves as an advanced chemistry elective for Biochemistry majors. (Formerly CHEM 212)
Foundational aspects of organic chemistry including nomenclature, structure, organic reaction mechanisms, carbonyl chemistry, and spectroscopy are surveyed. This course is intended to prepare students for a career in chemistry or biochemistry, as well as the medical and engineering professions. Lecture/laboratory.
Continuation of Organic Chemistry I. Aspects of organic chemistry including alkene reactions, aromatic reactions, enolate chemistry, radical reactions and synthesis are surveyed. This course is intended to prepare students for a career in chemistry or biochemistry, as well as the medical and engineering professions. Lecture/laboratory.
A study of advanced optical, electroanalytical, chromatographic, and other instrumental methods of analysis. Lecture/laboratory. (Formerly CHEM 332)
A one-semester course designed primarily for A.B. majors and premedical students. A study of gas properties, thermodynamics, elementary quantum mechanics, kinetics, and lasers. (Formerly CHEM 311)
This course builds upon the basic concepts and reactions of organic chemistry. Topics to be included are the effect of structure on chemical reactivity, molecular orbital theory as applied to organic molecules, heterocyclic chemistry, natural products chemistry, and the application of computers to organic chemistry. Lecture. (Formerly CHEM 325)
This course covers quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, and kinetics. (Formerly CHEM 324)
This course provides a basic understanding of structure, function, and metabolism of biological molecules including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Other topics include enzyme catalysts and regulation, bioenergetics, metabolic control mechanisms, biosignaling, and information transfer at the molecular level. (Formerly CHEM 350)
This course is intended as the first of a two-semester series in biochemistry. This course focuses on understanding the structure, function, isolation and analysis of the four major classes of biological molecules: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Other topics include enzyme catalysis, mechanisms, kintetics, and regulation, the structure of cellular membranes, and information transfer at the molecular level. (Formerly CHEM 361)
This course in intended as the second of a two-semester series in biochemistry. This course focuses on understanding the major pathways of carbohydrate, lipid, and nitrogen metabolism, and integration and control of these pathways. Other topics include transport across membranes, cellular signal transduction, photosynthesis and carbon fixation, and the molecular basis of human disease. (Formerly CHEM 362)
This course provides laboratory experience and a theoretical analysis of modern preparative, analytical, and physical techniques utilized for the study of proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, membranes, and organelles. Lecture/laboratory. (Formerly CHEM 363)
A series of research projects carried out under the guidance of two faculty members. In addition to the laboratory component of the course, students will learn proper laboratory record keeping, presentation and writing skills, discuss issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice as related to the chemical science and address laboratory safety. Lecture/lab. [W]
A series of research projects carried out under the guidance of two faculty members. In addition to the laboratory component of the course, students will learn proper laboratory record keeping, presentation and writing skills, discuss issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice as related to the chemical science and address laboratory safety. Lecture/lab. [W]
A research project carried out under the guidance of a faculty member at the 1/2 credit level, and differing from Chemistry 390 where full credit workload is required. This course does not count as an advanced chemistry elective or fulfill the research requirement of the B.S. Chemistry or B.S. Biochemistry major. It may be taken multiple semesters, but no more than four total semesters.
This course can either be an independent research project or a study of one or more advanced topics in chemistry based on the interests of the student and faculty member. This course does not count as an advanced chemistry elective, or fulfill the research requirement of the B.S. Chemistry or B.S. Biochemistry major. Course may be repeated for credit.
This course can either be an independent research project or a study of one or more advanced topics in chemistry based on the interests of the student and faculty member, and will involve a significant writing component. This course does not count as an advanced chemistry elective or fulfill the research requirement of the B.S. Chemistry or B.S. Biochemistry major. [W]
A research project carried out under the guidance of a faculty member. A formal presentation to the chemistry department is required. Fulfills the research requirement for B.S. Chemistry and B.S. Biochemistry majors. Course may be repeated for credit.
A research project carried out under the guidance of a faculty member. A formal presentation to the chemistry department is required. Fulfills the research requirement for B.S. Chemistry and B.S. Biochemistry majors. [W]
Use of infrared, ultraviolet, nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, X-ray crystallography and computational methods in the determination of the structures of molecules. Lecture/laboratory. (Formerly CHEM 440)
This course examines topics in the chemistry of medicine with a focus on the drug discovery process and the interaction of small organic molecules with biological systems.
This course uses molecular orbital theory to explain the electronic structure and reactivity of inorganic complexes. Topics include symmetry and its applications to bonding and spectroscopy, electronic spectroscopy of transition-metal complexes, mechanisms of substitution and redox processes, organometallic and multinuclear NMR. (Formerly CHEM 431) [W]
This course builds upon the basic concepts and reactions of organic chemistry. Topics to be included are the effect of structure on chemical reactivity, molecular orbital theory as applied to organic molecules, heterocyclic chemistry, natural products chemistry, and the application of computers to organic chemistry. Lecture. (Formerly CHEM 342)
A study of one or more selected topics of current interest in physical chemistry. Dependent upon staff, topics may include advanced spectroscopy, computational chemistry, materials chemistry, or statistical thermodynamics. (Formerly CHEM 462)
This course covers a variety of topics with emphasis on the molecular basis of human disease, new areas of biochemical research, and advances in biotechnology. Topics may include immunobiochemistry, molecular mechanisms of cellular signal transduction, advanced topics in metabolism, chemical carcinogenesis, and the physical basis of biochemical methodology. (Formerly CHEM 464)
Dependent upon staff and student interest, one or more special topics in chemistry are examined.
A student may register for this course after meeting with department staff and finding a faculty member who agrees to act as his or her research adviser. Discussion of research areas with the faculty and preliminary work involving literature searching and planning should be completed before the beginning of the senior year. Research in some areas requires certain prerequisite courses. CHEM 496 [One W credit only upon completion of both 495 and 496]