Work with a web guru who loves sour gummy bears, a designer who prefers standing over sitting, our bread-baking, bike riding photographer, or one of our other multi-talented staff members to tell your department’s story, build awareness, and more. We look forward to partnering with you to share the best stories about the College, its people, and programs.

Leadership Team

Pete Mackey

Interim Vice President for Communications & Marketing
(610) 330-5120

Scott Morse

Assistant Vice President for Communications & Marketing
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5129

Erwin Annulysse

Director of Web and Design Strategy
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5692

Adam Atkinson

Director of Photography and Videography
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5845

Phil LaBella

Director of Athletic Communications
107 Kirby Sports Center
(610) 330-5122

Brittany Martin

Director of Content Strategy & Admissions Marketing
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5852

Jill L. Spotz

Director of Development Communications
(610) 330-3322


Terri Deily

Assistant to the Vice President for Communications
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5120

Matthew Blackton Jr

Web Developer
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5128

Amy Downey

Alumni Magazine Editor
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-3324

Courtney DuPont

Associate Director of Athletic Communications for Fan Engagement
107 Kirby Sports Center
(610) 330-5003

Olivia Giralico

Pre- and Post-Production Assistant
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5694

Emily Graf

Web/Graphic/Interactive Designer
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-3097

Alfred Greenbaum

One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5718

Kevin Hardy

Senior Graphic Designer
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5949

Bryan Hay

Senior Writer and Media Relations Associate
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5121

Kelly Huth

Assistant Director for Internal and Community Communications
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5749

Dale Mack

Print Production Manager and Graphic Designer
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5691

Genamarie McCant

Social Media Manager
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5750

Ellen O’Malley

Web/print/motion designer
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-5844

John Sabino

Video Production Manager
(610) 330-5897

Gina Stocker

Athletic Communications Secretary
(610) 330-5122

Stella Varkanis

Writer and Copy Editor
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-3538

Margaret Wilson

Marketing Writer
One South Third Street, Sixth Floor
(610) 330-3235