Sep 30, 2018
Interview: Jennifer Ozdoba Rominiecki ’95
SARASOTA (FLA) HERALD-TRIBUNE She leads $67M project at Selby Botanical Gardens
SARASOTA (FLA) HERALD-TRIBUNE She leads $67M project at Selby Botanical Gardens
EXPRESS TIMES Team pitches in at Easton Area Academy
MINNPOST Humphrey’s central challenge in 1968 race
MORNING CALL “I want people to be motivated by my energy and enthusiasm”
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT Ali Ehsan ’20 sought entrepreneurial and intellectually stimulating environment and financial aid
CNBC “Every cyberattack is related to geopolitical conditions”
NEW HAVEN REGISTER Writing about the ’60s links to today
INDEPENDENT WOMEN'S FORUM She is senior reporter and producer for Daily Signal
ASSOCIATED PRESS Memory’s frailty may be playing role in Kavanaugh matter
ENGINEERING NEWS-RECORD City Services Building is nation’s first municipal “living building”