Feb 23, 2017
But Can I Get a Job?
WBRE/WYOU-TV Anna Chiumento '14 says liberal arts degree was worth it (video)
WBRE/WYOU-TV Anna Chiumento '14 says liberal arts degree was worth it (video)
MINNESOTA SPOKESMAN-RECORDER Eugene Deloatch ’59 recognized as 2017 Black Engineer of the Year in Washington, D.C.
THE MORNING CALL Director Roger Ross Williams H’14 worked on documentary with assistance by two Lafayette students
BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK Work experience, life lessons from President and CEO of Levi Strauss
THE NEW YORK TIMES (also in Seattle Times, Houston Chronicle, Tampa Bay Times, Star-Tribune, The Irish Times, The Hindu, The Sydney Morning Herald) Kevin…
BLOOMBERG MARKETS FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia ’92 on hacking attacks
PHILADELPHIA MAGAZINE Construction of Philly’s new 1,000 person club is directed by James De Berardine ’14
ESPN Manager Joe Maddon '76 and five millions elated fans savor "incredible moment"
WFMZ-TV CHANNEL 69 NEWS Proud to have an alum in World Series
THE EXPRESS-TIMES Photos from sports archive