Feb 7, 2017
Easton Revitalization, Lafayette Downtown
PBS39 WLVT FOCUS Video includes expansion downtown and Williams Arts Campus (7:51)
PBS39 WLVT FOCUS Video includes expansion downtown and Williams Arts Campus (7:51)
THE MORNING CALL Proposed project would help promote economic development, says V.P. Roger Demareski
THE EXPRESS-TIMES President Byerly on impact of proposed world-class museum
LVB.COM Completing Williams Arts Campus and Buck Hall crucial step in economic development
WMMT 88.7 Prof. Fluney Hutchison and EEGLP asset mapping efforts in Kentucky mentioned (audio, 16:35)
THE MORNING CALL Part of plan to grow the College
WFMZ-TV CHANNEL 69 NEWS Employees moving to Alpha Building
THE EXPRESS-TIMES Part of initiative to increase enrollment and funds for financial aid
THE MORNING CALL In the heart of the city, with 14 artisanal food vendors, a farm stand, and demonstration kitchen
THE EXPRESS-TIMES New venue in addition to Easton Farmers' Market and Winter Market