Hi Social Media Working Group members and mavens!

Thank you to Professor Alan Childs of CITLS for passing along this article:

A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom

Please don’t forget the next SMWG meeting is next Thursday, March 6th in Skillman room #004 (in the basement).  This is the February meeting…pushed into March due to lost time caused by weather. The March SMWG will be held the last week of March TBD!

As you know, I am not usually the person presenting at our Social Media Working Group Meetings….However, this month Kris Todaro, (Dir. of Digital Communications) and I would like to give you a multimedia presentation on Social Media we presented to the Senior Staff on February 25th. We hope it will provide context for the overall Lafayette social media strategies and the very important role you play, while giving you some ideas that may aid your own social media activities!


30,000 Foot View: A Brief History of Social Media

Social Media Impact: Global Landscape

Social Media Impact: Traditional Media

Social Media & www.lafayette.edu

A Brief History of Social Media Program at Lafayette

The Power of Social Media to Market to our Targets

The Future

Looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting!

Brooke McDermott
Manager of Social Media