A decade after the U.S. housing bubble burst, filling the real estate market with cheap real estate, house flipping is on the rise again. Now that the…
It’s hurricane season, and as the East Coast braces for Hurricane Florence dams and foundations far inland may face widespread erosion due to a strong…
RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH Teaching the untold stories of the Civil War would undermine the monuments glorifying a slave-based society, writes Riley Temple…
To change the date in a post, click on the edit button to the right of the post’s headline. (If you don’t see an edit button, log into WordPress by adding…
You can upload an image while you’re working on a page or post by clicking the “Add Media” button below the “Title” field and above the editing panel.…
The Video Program integrates with other content produced by the Communications Division to creatively promote Lafayette’s marketing messages and support…
Hello Lafayette Social Media Working Group Members and other social mavens! Here is a smattering of social media matters for the week of Feb 9th with a…