Mar 23, 2016
This College Investing Club Turned $3K to $500,000
CNN Lafayette is home to oldest student-run investing club in America
CNN Lafayette is home to oldest student-run investing club in America
Drew Friedman of Port Washington, N.Y., a senior at Lafayette College, will appear on the March 15 episode of Food Network’s “Chopped: College” as…
THE MORNING CALL Economics professor Michael Kelly comments on PPL spin-off
WFMZ-TV CHANNEL 69 NEWS Shares insights ahead of Federal Reserve's interest rate announcement
WFMZ-TV CHANNEL 69 NEWS Joseph S. Nye Jr. gives reasons for confidence
FOX NEWS Study indicates living together may be better than marriage for health
WALL STREET JOURNAL Study indicates living together may be better than marriage for health
THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE Decisions to smoke affected by expectations of longevity
S. Abu Turab Rizvi, professor of economics and former dean of the Honors College at the University of Vermont, has been named provost at Lafayette College…
An interdisciplinary team of Lafayette students won three first-place honors for its high-performance race car at the Formula SAE Collegiate Design Series…