Jan 15, 2017
The Challenge for College Presidents under Trump
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER President Alison Byerly explains why college presidents speak out on important issues
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER President Alison Byerly explains why college presidents speak out on important issues
Mark Eyerly, formerly chief communications officer at Temple University, has been named vice president for marketing and communications at Lafayette.…
INSIDE HIGHER ED Liberal arts education is “best possible preparation” for students’ future
Lafayette College Holds 181st Commencement on Saturday, May 21 Lafayette College will hold its 181st Commencement at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 21 outside…
THE NEW YORK TIMES President Alison Byerly stresses importance of diversity and financial aid initiatives
THE EXPRESS-TIMES President Byerly announces visit and forum with Prof. Donald L. Miller
Various Breads and Butters Hosts Ben Cohen and Simon Tonev quiz Lafayette's leader on music, magic, and much more
THE MORNING CALL President Alison Byerly and officials attend ceremony
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER (PHILLY.COM) Lafayette among top 10 colleges in Pa. Pres. Alison Byerly comments.
THE NEW YORK TIMES Letters from President Byerly and Harvard’s president on the value of a liberal arts education